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Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone Mobile phone is now important communication tool, and we are inseparable, butEverything is good or bad, mobile phoneMobile phone can receive call speech information, can send text messages, such as mobile phone, but it is also very big;手机的好处英语作文就从实际写就可以了手机的好处1 It is convenient for people to contact and use2 If you don#39t go out, you will know the world affairs, the news of various countries and the international situation3, pay more convenient, people do not need to bring。

第二,手机使我们的工作或学习更有效率人们可以用手机搜索数据,传送文件等对于学生来说,他们可以随时用手机阅读而无需携带书In addition, mobile phone makes our lives be more wonderful in that it has been added more and more functions, such as watching movies, listening to music an;手机的利与弊 无论你在何地,你都会看见许多人使用手机如今,世界似乎越来越小了,只要你带部手机出门,你都会被找到有些人认为手机对他们来说是非常有用的必需品而有些人则有不同看法喜欢使用手机的人比较注重手机的好处它非常便利,因为它让你与别人的联系既简单又快捷,你再也不用为了等。


Mobile phone has a lot of meritsFirst of all, it is much more convenient than regular phone You can make a phone call wherever you are If you are ill or see an accident, you need an ambulance to come at once Mobile phone can save your lifeSecondly,to send short;手机的好处 手机是我们生活中不可或缺的通讯工具,给我们带来了很多的好处和便利第一,手机方便了我们人与人之间的联系,使用起来很便利第二,不出门便知道天下事,了解各地方的新闻第三,支付更加的方便,人们不需要带现金,只要使用软件扫一扫便可以支付,更加的快捷,可以避免现金过多而造成的。



说起手机的好处,可能每个人都有自己的想法,但是如果是小学生的话,我想他们能看到的就是以下的好处案例一 Mobile phones have become an indispensable tool in life Mobile phones have many advantages For example, we can use mobile phones to contact friends, and we can also use mobile。


It can help us keep touch with peopleAnd when we need,it can help us solve many difficulties,like safety,health,living and so onAlso,we ofen learn about the world through itWhen we meet beautiful things,we always。


手机的好处很多,它可以方便人们的联系,有利于人们的生活,还有很多功能可以帮助人们生活虽然手机带来的不少的好处,不过它带来的坏处也不少,比如大家缺乏沟通,导致关系越来越疏远手机利弊的英语作文There are some primary schools and secondary schools stipulate that the student bring the cellphone。


How I hope I have super ability, set the time to that moment, slowly taste, slowly read carefully, slowly enjoy this exciting! Cell phones do us a lot of good生活中手机对我们的好处有很多平日里,我们一家可以通过手机于远在家乡的亲人朋友聊天对话把想说的,想告诉亲人的。

英语作文手机的好处和手机带来的问题, 英语作文80字 手机等科技给人们生活带来的好处和坏处 As we know,with the development of society,more and more students are having cellphoneThey are given as presents from parents,friends or relativesIn my opinion,the disadvantages are much more obvious than adv。


3 Balancing the Use of Mobile Phones In conclusion, mobile phones offer both advantages and disadvantages It is crucial to find a balance in their usage to maximize the benefits while minimizing the potential harm they can cause。

With the development of science and technology, handphone becomes more and more popular Even the students on campus begin to use handphone Is it a good or bad thing?随着科学和技术的发展,手机变得越来越流行,就连在校园里的学生也开始使用手机了这到底是好还是坏Handp , on。


关于手机的好处英语作文有First of all, cell phone is very convenient People can connect with anyone in anywhere if that person has a mobile phone, tooIn other words, people have to write letter in paper and then wait for a long time to make the letter arrived the。

在我们的日常生活中扮演着一个很重要的角色,极大的促进了我们的生活第一,手机很 有用而且很方便作为一个无线移动电话,它易拿可以忽略地理位置快速的联系别人第二,手机也是一个完美的娱乐工具随着科技的进步,手机比以前更加强大了有了手 机,人们不仅可以打电话,发简讯,还可以玩游戏。

标签: 手机的好处英语版
